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What’s Next?? Death??

What’s next????
The big question that is slightly dreaded by every person in life.
When I left the field back in November,  I felt the Lord make it really clear to me not to worry about making any huge life decisions
for the next month. He wanted me to keep my eyes open and by all means look around and pay attention to what He was going to 
set in motion, but not to carry any of that weight. 
I think it’s funny how we always think we will reach this point in life where we will just start knowing what’s next instantly and have all the answers for ourselves, and lets be real, other people. 
By month 11 I should be good at everything right?? I should be a “super” Christian by now and have it all together. I should
have been able to master dying to myself and surrendering fully to the Lord. 
And while I’ve been able to put this in practice and have seen the fruit of choosing this, I have a long way to go. 
So that brings me to the great unknown. A place that is so uncomfotable it hurts sometimes, but man it really is the sweet spot in life. 
And if there’s anything I’ve learned this past year, it’s that. Stepping into the great unknow with the One who knows it all and growing 
closer to Him is really where we’re all called. It’s about intimacy with the Father. My biggest takeaway from all of my journey. And let me tell you, it’s a game changer. In my life, in my walk. It really is just about being in communion with Him.
I feel very strongly that the Lord is leading me into a season of taking a step further into this. Taking a step further with Him. Drawing
closer to Him than I thought possible. 
I think the name of this next season is to be death. Yeah you read that right, death. Wow doesn’t that sound fun?
This year He has brought so much life into me. He has set me free of so many things that were always a struggle, lies from the enemy
that I believed, and reshaped the way I view myself and Him. 
I got to see Him restore so many other peoples lives too. I don’t think there is a greater honor than witnessing Him Call someone to Him for the first time and welcoming them into eternal life. Or being a part of inviting them back into relationship with Him once again. Wherever He is, life can be found also. 
And He really is everywhere. This past year I got to find Him in every little corner and water village. He is there, His people are there
and His Spirit is moving. So be encouraged! I got the privilege to step into these places and simply be apart of what He was doing. 
It took many forms and was forever changing, but He was always up to something. I also know that He doesn’t start something without
finishing, So whether I ever get to see for my own eyes the fruit of what was planted, I trust and know that He’ll be the one to bring it 
to fruition.
But for life to happen, death must take place. For things to be resurrected, they have to die first.
I can praise God for the things He resurrected in my life, it truly is the fullness of His love for me. But I will praise Him for my dying
too. For the flesh and sin that died. This is the hard and the hurting of this past year. And there was a lot of that too. 
He brought a lot of things to light.
If you ever want to really see where your heart is, step into a leadership role, you’ll quickly realize the places the Lord is really working on you. And its not usually so pretty.
But how grateful am I for that, becuase that really is one of my greatest desires: To be worked on.  
As I get ready to step into the unknow yet again, enter in to my new season of death, I get the opprtuinty to invite you in on the process. Because it is a process. 
I believe one of the ways He plans on walking me into this new season, is through attending Center for Global Action (CGA). This is a discipleship/ leadership development school that Adventures in Missions has set up for race alumni. 
This is a 5 month program held in Gainesville Georgia where the main focuse is to enter into greater depth with the Lord and help me 
to develop my leadership skills on the mission field. I will be living in community with other students, attending classes, and activating
what I’ve learned by doing outreach around town and through a part time job. I will also be leading a short term mission trip through AIM at the end of my time in CGA. This is an opportunity to take what the Lord did in me on the race and further that in my life, on
field and off. 
This next adventure starts March 16th and In order to attend I need to raise 5,950 dollars. So as I take a deep breath and step into 
trusting Him again, I get to invite you in too. I ask to prayerfully consider supporting me in this next season of life! And want to take the opportunity to thank each one of you. You have all played a part in me coming to the Father. I am excited to share this with you and would love to answer any questions you may have! 