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A word the Lord has been giving to me since being in CGA is deconstruction. It’s been a common term that He has used in me to give insight on this current season. He wants to deconstruct the things that have been man made in my heart and rebuild them in His truth. Yesterday during class He gave me a very clear illustration on what it looks like for me. I think it’s a great way of describing CGA for you guys and where my heart is right now. It starts with Him opening a door to a long hallway of many doors and rooms from where I’m standing it’s overwhelming to know how and what to do first. This is the perspective He shared that brought so much peace today.


I AM opening a door of many doors. A hallway of closed and forgotten. When you furnished these rooms you left Me out. You built them with your own two hands and let man write your blueprints


It’s time.


I want to bring you up to code with my promises, with my truth. And don’t you know I’ll make them lighter, brighter, more beautiful than before? A space fit for a King.


I will highlight which nob to turn first, I have My timing, don’t worry. When we go inside look at Me. Sit with Me first. It’s easy to notice what’s been done wrong in my presence, but I want to wash it with grace. Sit down with Me and I’ll give you vision, My vision for the space I will create. Then and only then, will we start to pull and dig, tare down these alters.


As I deconstruct, you can whence and squirm from pain. I say it’s okay. It’s still Me.


It will take time to complete My work, slowly we will make My progress, don’t expect it to be quick, remember what we’re building will stand eternal. It’s Kingdom structures here on earth. 


You can even invite people in during the process. Let them see what I’m doing even before it’s complete. Let them catch my vision. After all, I am the Original crafter of these rooms, so even in the middle of the process, I still live here.


It’s going to take some work. Don’t part from the understanding that I AM the laborer, I do want your help, but I don’t need it. Wait for Me to give you direction. You can learn from watching Me work, but just ask if you need help.


It’s going to be tough with long days ahead, but I’ll be with you always. We do it together. And when a day comes to it’s end and your fatigued and your hands are tired, you will find rest, completely satisfied in Me. When we work side-by-side, this will always be My promise to you.


We will rejoice in every small board and nail driven, every tear that falls. And when the day comes…….

Oh when that day comes, when we wipe our hands and know that this room is finished, you better believe  we will CELEBRATE. We will go room to room, no longer shut and broken down, but wide open for all to see.  


This is just a glimpse into the beautiful things the Lord is redeeming in my life. If you ever want to know more please just ask!